Jeremie Dalaba

Serial entrepreneur, this fella wears many, hats...! Daddy to four special kiddos (two daughters, and two step sons), and Spouse to a lovely lady. Recently featured in his local paper for having upwards,14 jobs. Not ideal for some, but that’s how things get done, sometimes. He likes to dive into tv and movie land, whenever the opportunity presents itself. Idea man, for days..! Always on the mental move, to the next chapter of life. Drink slangin’, helping folks with their estate transitioning, wood working, fundraising, cheffing it up in the kitchen, mofo’. Always looking for the best in people. Loves to chop it up, and converse, and talk some good ol’ shit, with friends, strangers, whomever. Jeremie left his somewhat cushed’ life at twenty, to chase something he didn’t know he was chasing, at the time. On a whim, and an application, he ended up at the North rim of the Grand Canyon. City boy of sorts, getting back to his roots, the love of hiking, and general outdoors. Little did he know that spot, at the end of a road, would produce so many kindred spirits, and lifelong friendships. These Nobodies are all pretty damn great, at a lot of damn things. Wind em’ up, and watch them go. "We all need three things, in life" says Jeremie. Your passions, your hobbies, and your money makers. Passions are what you really want to do in life. (Philanthropy, etc.) Hobbies are what you really like to do, with your time. (Building things, cooking, making music) Your money makers are what you need to help you achieve all the above. (Your button company, your stock portfolio, etc.) Why not share some things, and throw out some tried and true, wisdom. Or, wise and dumb lessons learned. So many ways to help, and get helped, in this beautiful journey, called life. We do better, when we lift each other up. Modern day Clark Griswold, ready to tackle family challenges, and uncomfortable perfume counters, like a champ?! Get ready for some crazy ass, and ridiculous stories..!!!

The Art of Being Consistent

Step one, show up! Major, major step. You don’t have to be the most talented, the mostdecorated person in the room, or universe. Just show up! And, when you do, be the hardestworking person there. More times than not, you’re the one that’s there, so you, out work...

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